Press In…

IMG_8238There are times in our lives when we have to step back and take a moment to regroup, re-evaluate and eventually as tough as it may sometimes be…

Press in!!

Life by design is often times just that way. I am thankful for the spaces of times and opportunities to be able to adjust. Yet, there are those times when we are going through a season or circumstance that life does not afford that to us.

When you can, take advantage and make the most out of those opportunities. Don’t beat yourself up when you have to change. Don’t feel condemned or as if you have failed in someway. Just step back, restructure, do what it takes then…

Press in!!

With all your might, Press in.

I mentioned in an earlier post that I had committed to go on the Daniel Fast for the next 21 days. Well, today is somewhat over the half way mark. 9 more days to go!! Because it is midway through I stopped to make an assessment. Actually, my heart was stirring and the correction or re-evaluation came by the spirit of God that I am so trying to be sensitive to.

First, I must say that the time on the fast has been an excellent experience. Spiritual discipline always always always has its rewards. This time is no different. On the beginning of the second week I had certain things come forth to change my intensity in the fast. I had a distracting feeling of being within my comfort zone within the fast. Fasting is something that I have done before and I know the things I had planned to position myself for growth, discipline and time in the presence of God. Yet, there was something that crept up inside that was draining my enthusiasm and energy. It wasn’t the lack of foods I’m use to; It wasn’t the focus of more time in the Word and prayer; It wasn’t the discipline of going to bed at a decent time…finally!

It wound up being the drain of the enemies lies in my ears that what I was doing, gaining and embarking upon was a waste of my time. “What are you doing? Are you really making a difference? You really could put your efforts on other things that need to be accomplished.” Dart after dart came flying in almost undetected. But God intercepted and made what the devil meant for bad into something that now is great. God caused me to realize I needed to…

Press in!!

My level of commitment needed to increase from what I was doing. Again, I needed to go further than what I’ve known my fast to be. I’m not the same person I used to be and I can’t operate where I use to operate. So now several steps I’m taking to change in regards to the fast in order to press in are:

  • two meals of day instead of three
  • no snacks
  • and a one day water fast within the remaining week of the Daniel Fast

The Daniel Fast is already restricting, but I need to increase the intensity of what I do. These were the things that came to me to do. Afflict the body to strengthen the inner man. It hasn’t been easy, but I have developed quite a collection of food combinations, recipes and ways to follow the guidelines and be satisfied. So even with all the adjustments and healthy choices, I had to ask myself “where is the sacrifice?” For me, I had developed a comfort zone that I needed to break out of.

Remember, this is about “My Daniel Fast Journey” and what the Lord has dealt with me about. It doesn’t reflect anyone else. It is a little challenging to even share some of the things. But Praise God I have disciplined myself even in that area and shared from my experience. You can find daily postings on the blog “JournalsWithin.” I gain so much but can only share a little. Due to time, space, your attention span and my willingness to totally expose so many lessons, revelations and corrections from the Lord. It is a very personal time, but hopefully what is shared is inspiring. I know I am truly inspired by what others have shared on their fasting journey. 21 days that will be life altering. Hope you will be able to stop by and read some of the postings on JournalsWithin.

Here are a few of the food items I prepare to give you an idea and maybe even try:


One of my favorites: Sauteed peas, mushrooms, onions and tofu


Another favorite: homemade corn tortillas with stir fried cabbage, onion, carrots and tofu along with salsa and avocado slices. Served with corn


What I call Veggie Tomato Pasta with homemade whole wheat tortillas and green beans. I finally found a recipe for the perfect tortillas not the one in photo above, but the one below!!


Yes, the perfect homemade tortillas. The recipe can be found on day 4 on the blog “JournalsWithin.”


Here is a third recipe attempt at a veggie patty (with homemade pico de gallo on top). I was closer than ever before, but still on the look out for the recipe that works for me. Tasted good, but the patty just didn’t hold together very well. It was made with black beans, sweet potatoes, quinoa and other healthy goodies. We had kale and roasted oven potatoes as sides


Last but not least, my favorite dessert or snack item: fruit bowls with frozen banana sauce, chia seed and ground flax seed sprinkled on top!! Hidden underneath and not seen in the photo are sliced bananas and pineapples


My second favorite snack: apple slices dipped in 100% natural peanut butter sprinkled with sesame seeds

The above photos are pictures of why I was in my comfort zone!! I discovered how to be on the Daniel Fast and be totally content with what I was eating. Not a bad thing because it was all within the guidelines, but my focus was on the food, the meals… It took time to master my favorite items. Researching, testing, shopping, retesting, and preparing, altering. Too much time focused on the food!! Again not bad, but for me at this point having participated in the fast before, I needed to step it up a notch. I needed to…

Press in…

My family has adopted many of the habits from the fast in our everyday eating habits (also sited on day 4 on the JournalWithin blog) so I feel obligated now to do a little more to intensify my focus. Not my family, but for me personally.

Hope you are blessed by my sharing. Enjoy the blessings of the Lord and may He continue to manifest His presence to you.

Great Peace, Joy and Love, Kulia!!

Preparation is the Key…

IMG_1643Is there ever a time, when you have been so excited for something to take place? Whether it was an event that you would attend or some undertaking that you would be involved in, yet only to find that in your excitement you moved too fast. As the old sayings goes, “we sometimes put the cart before the horse!” Yes, that’s what happens when we take steps in the right direction, but fail to use wisdom. Our enthusiasm outweighs our practical reasoning. Through experience, I have found that no matter the level of the task…

Preparation is the key!!

Proverbs 3:5-6 reads, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths.” If we would in any and every thing we do first give it over to the Lord for His direction. We would be so much better off. It’s a wonderful feeling to have the motivation and zeal to accompany what we plan to accomplish, but it is very unwise to barrel ahead without a strategic plan.

Lord, grant us the wisdom and the patience to submit our daily plans to You. Allow us to bring before You our intentions. Lead us in the way we should go and cause us to prosper. Let our minds be clear, our understanding complete, and our energy levels unending. Thank You Lord God, that in You we live, move and have our being. May all that takes place be orchestrated for our benefit and good and may others be blessed as a result. Thank You for our life, health and strength. Increase our submission to Your will, Your way, Your timing and grace.

In Jesus’ name…Praise God…Amen!!


In speaking about preparation, I have committed to go on the Daniel Fast next week for the following 21 days. Having participated in the fast before, one of many lessons I’ve learned for its success is PREPARATION. It truly is the key. We have an enemy that wants to steal, kill and destroy us. He certainly doesn’t want us to advance in anyway spiritually. It can be guaranteed that he most definitely has a plan of attack designated for us. To be successful against him, we need to also plan, prepare and actively fight in this battle.

Usually, with only minimal preparation I would wait until the first day of the fast to really hone in on the specifics on how I would participate. But this time, the past week and actually several weeks before have been days of planning and positioning (heart, mind, body and soul). Foods and meals are in place that meet the requirements, study plans and materials are laid out along with specific times and activities for prayer and meditation. I’m entering into this time of consecration with specifics well defined, yet as is very important being totally open to the leading of God’s Spirit.

From time to time, I hope to share my experience with you as I journey through this season of 21 days of prayer and fasting. There are many who make this same commitment sometime at the beginning of the new year. May the overflow and sharing of the experiences be a source of strength, blessing, and inspiration.

Love and Blessings, Kulia

For more information on the Daniel Fast, visit my page or one of many websites such as and the ultimate daniel fast